
This unique product will allow you to open a 2" drum bung, empty the contents of the drum, and close the drum bung, all with the drum in the horizontal position. Eliminates the need to rotate the drum into the vertical position to gain access. Operation is simple: attach Drum Tap to bung with locking ring, push handle towards drum and twist to unscrew bung, pull handle out away from drum to empty drum contents. Reverse operation to close drum and remove Drum Tap from bung. This product saves, time, energy and reduces the risk of spills. May be used to fill drums in the horizontal position with the bung positioned at the top of the drum. Constructed of fiberglass reinforced polypropylene. O-rings are made of nitrile rubber.


Easy to Use Operation:


1) Insert Tappo into the large drum plug. Connect Tappo to drum by turning the lock ring to the right.
2) With the Tappo Drum Dispenser there is no risk of coming into contact with harmful fluids. Unscrew the drum plug cap by turning the handle to the left. You have complete control over the flow by moving handle towards you.
3) On completion of tapping: Screw in the drum plug with the handle and disconnect Tappo from the drum by turning the lock ring in the opposite direction.
4) Tappo also makes filling a drum simple. Just turn drum 180° so the spout is facing upwards.